Women's Transitional Center

The Women's Transitional Center (WTC) is a comprehensive, community-based correctional program serving adult female offenders referred by the Montana Department of Corrections (MDOC) staff, Federal Bureau of Prison (FBOP) officials, and federal probation officers as well as district court judges and county attorneys.

WTC is designed to assist female offenders with their transition back into the community as well as to provide a cost-effective, program-intensive alternative to incarceration. WTC provides residents with a full-range of correctional programming, chemical dependency treatment, life skills development, and employment skills.

The Community, Counseling, and Correctional Services, Inc. (CCCS) purchased and renovated an old dilapidated hotel to its current use as a community-based correctional facility. In June 1992, WTC began providing services as a pre-release and the FBOP for the provision of correctional programming, security oversight and educational opportunities to female offenders. With a 60-bed capacity, it contracts with the MDOC educationjal opportunities to female offenders as they transition from either the state or federal system. WTC has been accredited throgh the American Correctional Association since 1998, which ensures the consistent and highest degree of quality service delivery to the resident populations of this center.

Program Goals

The program goals of the WTC are as follows:

Our Vision

Community, Counseling and Correctional Services is a company, through diversity, that continues to change lives, one-life-at-a-time, by providing services and programs to the persons in need.

Program Objectives

CCCS staff have established the following objectives to enable WTC to best achieve stated program goals:

Program Eligibility

The WTC is designed to serve the following types of adult female offenders:

The WTC is NOT designed to serve the following types of adult female offenders:

Program Costs

Accepting responsibility and ownership for the cost of incarceration and correctional programming is an important part of the CCCS program philosophy. Therefore, residents are expected to contribute to the cost of their participation in WTC. A daily charge of $14 for each day or $98 per week will be charged to all residents referred by components of the Montana criminal justice and correctional systems. Federal residents will be expected to pay 25% of their weekly gross income. Inability to pay for services will not preclude offenders from participating in the WTC program. Indigent residents (those in arrears $360 or more) may apply to have room and board waived.

Administration & Program Staff

A dedicated team of staff distinguished by both education and experience provide services at WTC. CCCS has carefully selected a diverse, professional staff to ensure that residents receive the most effective environment for correctional programming and community transitional services.

Program Security

CCCS considers public safety paramount and places a premium on security. As such, CCCS has implemented a strict security program for the WTC. This program includes a secure facility and complementary security functions — hourly counts, physical checks, urinalysis screening, etc. — to hold all offenders accountable and preserve a safe, secure environment for staff, visitors, and the general public. These are the following:

Making the Referral

Referrals to WTC are only made by the Montana Department of Corrections or the Federal Probation System. Once a referral is received, the CCCS staff and local screening committee will review the appropriate paperwork (usually within one week of receipt) and determine the applicant's suitability for the program.

This screening committee is composed of six members, including: 1) the Program Administrator for the BPRC/WTC; 2) an at-large Community Representative; 3) a local Parole & Probation Officer representative; 4) two members of CCCS' Board of Directors (one sitting in the capacity as an "alternate"); and 5) the Sheriff (or designee) of Butte-Silver bow county. A majority approval vote of the Local Screening committee members is required and assures the offender applicant is eligible for placement in either the BPRC or WTC.

Contact Information

Name: Travis Hettick
Title: Program Administrator
Address: 62 West Broadway
  Butte, MT 59701
Phone: 406-496-5070
E-mail: thettick@cccscorp.com

PREA Information
PREA Annual Report 2013-2015 MOU
(Law Enforcement)
(Safe Space)
Final Audit
PREA Annual Report 2016 PREA Annual Report 2017 SSV-4
PREA Annual Report 2018 Final PREA Audit Report 2018
PREA Annual Report
PREA Annual Report
Final PREA Audit Report 2021 PREA Annual Report
PREA Annual Report
PREA Annual Report
Letter on
Personal Property