Connections Corrections Program

The Connections Corrections Program (CCP) is a comprehensive, community-based correctional program designed to serve the unique needs of the Montana correctional population who are chemicaly dependent. The program provides clients with a full-range of treatment services focusing not only on the chemical dependency issue of each individual, but also the underlying behavioral and dysfunctional thinking patterns which contribute to or sustain chemical use and result in criminal behavior.

Community, Counseling, and Correctional Services, Inc. (CCCS) in partnership with the Montana Department of Corrections (MDOC), opened CCP in March 1998 in response to the growing segment of the Montana correctional population who are chemically dependent. At that time, CCP had a 30-bed capacity. CCP has been expanded to include 52 state beds in Butte having a consistent waiting list of 100 to 150 offenders. CCP also opened another 42 state beds plus 10 sanction beds—all for men—for a total of 52-beds at the Connections Corrections West facility located in Warm Springs, Montana.

CCP is based on the intensive outpatient model and is structured to meet the individual needs of clients for a period of up to 90 days.

Program Goals

CCP provides clients with the education and insight into their disease and maladaptive behaviors so they may integrate these skills and information into their daily lives. Through this process, and intensive programming, we have established the following program goals:

Program Mission

The Connections Corrections Program is a highly structured, ninety (90) day cognitive-behavioral based Intensive Residential Treatment Center, that incorporates addiction counseling, thinking errors counseling, cognitive principles and restructuring, victimization counseling, anger management counseling, in conjunction with a strong emphasis in relapse prevention for the criminal offender.

Program Objectives

Correctional programming and treatment staff have established the folowing objectives to enable CCP to best achieve program goals:

CCP staff review the effectiveness of correctional programming and treatment services through a process of continual quality assurance and total quality management. Feedback is gathered from clients, staff, and referring agencies.

Program Eligibility

The CCP is designed to serve the following types of adult male offenders:

The CCP is NOT designed to serve the following types of adult male offenders:

Program Costs

Accepting responsibility and ownership for the cost of treatment services is not only reasonable but therapeutic as well. Therefore, clients are expected to contribute to the cost of their treatment. A daily charge of $7.00 will be assessed to each client. Inability to pay for services does not automatically preclude a client from participating in Connections Corrections Programming.

Administration & Program Staff

A dedicated team of staff distinguished by both education and experience provide services at CCP. CCCS carefully selected a diverse, professional staff to ensure that clients receive the most milieu of correctional programming and chemical dependency treatment services.

Program Referrals

Referrals to CCP are only made by the Montana Department of Corrections or the Federal Probation system. once a referral is received, the CCCS staff and local screening committee will review the appropriate paperwork (usually within two weeks of receipt) and determine the applicant's suitability for the program. This screening committee consists of a four member voluntary contingency from the professional community, including a representative from local law enforcement, state adult probation and parole, medical, mental health area, and the Program Administrator.

Contact Information

Name: Jeni Nichols
Title: Program Administrator
Address: 111 West Broadway
  Butte, MT 59701
Phone: 406-782-6626 ext. 302

PREA Information
PREA Annual Report 2013-2015 MOU
(Law Enforcement)
(Safe Space)
Final Audit
PREA Annual Report 2016 PREA Annual Report 2017 SSV-4
PREA Annual Report 2018 Second Cycle PREA Audit Report
PREA Annual Report
PREA Annual Report
PREA Audit Report
PREA Annual Report
PREA Annual Report
PREA Annual Report
CCP East
Daily Schedule
CCP East
Personal Property List
CCP East
Visitor Application
CCP East/West
Eligibility Guideline
CCP West
Visitation Rules
CCP West
Personal Property List
CCP West
Visitor Application
CCP West Visitor Confidentiality Statement
CCP East
Food List