Community, Counseling, and Correctional Services, Inc. (CCCS) currently operates 13 facilities in three different states. The programs are listed below in the chronological order that they became operational and include:
The non-profit corporation organized under the laws of the state of Montana was formed by a group of local citizens concerned with the treatment received by offenders sentenced to correctional institutions. These citizens, many of whom currently remain on CCCS' Board of Directors, were particularly concerned about the lack of preparations made to assist offenders re-entering society upon completion of their sentences. The efforts of this group and the start-up costs for the program were largely funded through the Department of Institutions.
CCCS' community-based operations started in December 1983 with the opening of the 30-bed Butte Pre-Release Center (BPRC). The center provides services for adult males, and has been American Correctional Association (ACA) accredited since 1998. It remains the only ACA accredited male pre-release center in the state. In July of 1987, the center expanded to 40 beds. The center has evolved to current maximum capacity of 160 beds for adult males. The Montana Department of Corrections (MDOC) and the Federal Bureau of Prisons (FBOP) contract services at BPRC.
In July of 1992, CCCS developed and opened the 24-bed Women's Transitional Center (WTC). The women's pre-release center provides services for adult female offenders in order to assist their transition back into the community. ACA accredited since 1998, it remains the only female pre-release center in the state to achieve ACA accreditation. CCCS has expanded the center's maximum capacity of 60 beds. The MDOC and FBOP contract services at WTC.
In March 1998, CCCS opened the Connections Corrections Program (CCP) in Butte. CCP also opened beds at the Connections West facility located in Warm Springs, Montana. CCP is a unique community-correctional facility that serves the needs of adult correctional populations who are chemically dependent. MDOC and the U.S. Probation Office contract services at CCP.
In November 1999, CCCS was awarded a contract to operate the 63-bed Martin Hall Juvenile Detention Facility in Medical Lake, Washington. Martin Hall is responsible for intake, processing, and incarceration of juvenile offenders. The Martin Hall Consortium counties, several Confederated Tribes in Eastern Washington, and several counties in Western Montana contract for services at Martin Hall.
In February 2002, CCCS began providing services for adult male and female offenders who have been convicted of their fourth or subsequent Driving Under the Influence (DUI) violation. With a 140-bed capacity, the WATCh Program is located on a state hospital campus, owned by the Montana Department of Corrections and leased to CCCS. The program provides six-months of modified therapeutic community treatment. Outcome data is closely monitored in an effort to document the program's effectiveness and quarterly reports are sent out to all of the Probation and Parole Officers and Aftercare providers.
In August 2002, CCCS began providing services at the Bismarck Transition Center (BTC) located in Bismarck, North Dakota. With the completion of the new expansion, BTC now has the capacity to house a total of 150 residents. This is a community-based correctional facility for eligible, non-violent adult male and now female offenders. BTC provides an alternative to direct release in order to help adult offenders develop skills necessary for a successful transition into the community. BTC passed the Standards Compliance Audit and has been ACA accredited since August 2005.
The Badlands Recovery Center is a short-term evidence-based inpatient treatment program that provides addiction and mental health services. The services are delivered by our professional counseling and addiction specialists to assist you in your recovery. The center is located in Eastern Montana in the community of Glendive. It is surrounded by Montana’s largest state park, the badlands of Makoshika.
The Gallatin County Work Release Program (GCRP) began providing services on December 12, 2005. It is a multiple use facility (to include pre-release, work-release, drug court sanction, detention, and re-entry) for adult male offenders. This facility is a 40-bed facility designed to accommodate 30 male offenders from the Montana Department of Corrections and 10 Gallatin County male offenders. CCCS contracts with Gallatin County and the Montana Department of Corrections.
In mid-December 2005, Community, Counseling, and Correctional Services, Inc. (CCCS) began providing service in the Sanction Treatment Assessment and Revocation Transition (START) Program. This program began as a 3-year pilot project between the Montana Department of Corrections (MDOC) and CCCS. Since launching as a 3-year pilot, START has successfully diverted 77 percent of its offenders, exceeding its original goal of 50 percent.
START was formerly located in an antiquated forensic unit on the state hospital campus in Warm Springs, Montana, having an 88-bed capacity. A new $12.3 million, 40,000 square-foot flagship, state-of-the-art facility was constructed near Anaconda and opened for services in August 2010. The new facility has a capacity of 142 regular beds and 10 special needs beds. START offers an assessment/sanction center for adult males who have violated conditions of community placement including pre-release, parole, or probation. START will retain its 37 employees, plus add 14 new jobs, totaling approximately 55 employees.
This 80-bed methamphetamine treatment facility is located in Lewistown, Montana. NEXUS began accepting adult male offenders on June 1, 2007. The program is based on a therapeutic community model of treatment and includes a comprehensive array of correctional programming and services, including food service, transportation, routine medical and dental services, and various other programs such as anger management, family relationships, life skills, criminal thinking errors, and cognitive restructuring groups and counseling.
This was originally a 9-bed short-term care facility for youth in need of care and supervision. It is located south of the county courthouse in Anaconda, Montana. It began as a youth shelter in July 1974 under the direction of Sister Gilmary Vaughan, a Sinsinaway Dominican nun. It is the only facility in Southwestern Montana where at-risk-youth can be placed, other than in county jails. CCCS began operating this facility on April 1, 2007.
CCCS requested the state to reclassify Discovery House from a Shelter Care facility to a dually licensed Youth Group Home/Shelter Care, Supervision Level IV with Supportive Services Level 1. This request was granted on August 26, 2008. With the Group Home, Discovery House is able to provide long term services. Shelter Care is for a short term placement, thirty to forty-five days. Discovery House is contracted with the State of Montana to provide both services.
The Southwest Montana Addiction Recovery and Treatment Program opened on July 1, 2013 as a State-Approved Substance Use Disorder treatment program. State Block Grant funds are provided for each Montana County, and the Southwest Montana Addiction Recovery and Treatment program was awarded the contract from Butte-Silver Bow County to provide these services. Medicaid, the Montana Help Medicaid Plan, and private health insurances are also accepted, and fees are assessed on a sliding scale.
Transitional Services: CCCS provides Transitional Services to offenders who are being released from a prison, an assessment/sanction center, prerelease center, or treatment center for up to the first 90 days of community supervision after release. A probation and Parole Officer (PO) will determine the specific services to be provided to each offender based on the offender's needs and individualized case plan as determined or developed by the State. The referring PO will complete an agreed upon referral form designating the services selected. CCCS will confirm availability of services, establish a start date, and return the referral form to the PO and the designated State staff.
Enhanced Supervision Services: CCCS provides Enhanced Supervision Services to offenders for whom an intervention has been imposed by a PO or State Hearing Officer in accordance with the Montana Incentives and Interventions Grid (MIIG) for Adult Probation and Parole. Services will be provided for up to 90 days, based on the level of the intervention. The supervising PO or a Hearing Officer will determine the specific services to be provided. The referring PO will complete an agreed upon referral form designating the services selected. CCCS will confirm availability of services, establish a start date, and return the referral form to the PO and the designated State staff. Offenders may be continued on community supervision or placed in jail pending services availability as determined by the PO and/or Hearing Officer.